Rear Differential Bushing RENTAL Tool
$50 (with purchase of our bushing) $60 (w/o purchase) rental for 7 days from the day you receive the tool. Additional days will be billed $10.00 per day until Creative Steel receives the tool minus the return shipping time.
This tool is used to replace the FRONT bushing in the rear differential without removing the differential from your STS-V. The factory service manual requires the rear differential to be removed from the vehicle to perform the bushing replacement. This implies that you must replace the bushing while the differential is on a work bench. The FSM allows 5 hours of labor time in order to perform this repair.
With our Rear Differential Bushing Rental Tool, the repair is performed with the differential still in the vehicle. Depending on skill / equipment (lift) could take as little as 1 hour. This will save you money on the mechanics bill or save you time under the car if you do the work yourself. The tool comes with 8 1/2″ X 11″ laminated pictures with instructions printed right on the pictures.
Tools required: 21mm wrench, 3/4″ (19mm) end wrench, 1/2″ ratchet/impact, floor jack to support differential & torque wrench that goes to 150lbs. Roughly 24″ of 1/2″ extensions will help.
Deposit: authorization of $250 will be placed on your credit card. This is for damages, missing parts, and/or if the tool is not returned. We will refund the total amount of the deposit if the tool is returned with in the allotted rental period and all parts are included and there are no damages. Additionally, if there are missing parts, damages or extra days, we will refund accordingly.
(503) 316-1811